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Instructional Design Meets Digital Marketing with Infographics

An Intersection of Instructional Design, Digital Marketing, Mathematics & Medical Science for Pharmalink Services.

Recently I have started a number of Infographic Design Projects. Some of you may have noticed that Infographics are pretty hot right now in the Digital Marketing space. Not only do they look pretty but they are backed up with lots of useful statistics and information.


Scientific Studies about new functional food groups are highly expensive to fund and when significant results are uncovered, Pharmalink & the Berry Room want to ensure their customers fully understand the implications. Often these studies are long and complex, but the target audience doesn't always have the time to properly read them.


An infographic is the perfect way to highlight significant results in a visually appealing and easy to understand format. Graphics and icons not only attract the viewer by providing visual appeal, but also support cognition by ensuring a whole brain approach to the subject. Complex statistics are recreated as attractive charts and simple percentages, nutrient benefits are iconified and language is reduced to provide only the essence of the story. Comparison styles show nutrient/placebo tests side-by-side with colour supporting ease of visual processing.

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